
Current Basic Research Topics

Two of the research topics currently affecting the market that requires new algorithms and new approaches are described below. The TSSG is currently active in both of these areas.

1. Relationship between demand and price
Depending on the market processes, Market Operators often develop price predictions based on the predicted demand at each time on the following day. However, with the development of intelligent devices, consumers are now changing their usage based on the prices. This leads to a circular loop.

To develop these intelligent devices the TSSG is working on

  • Better predictions for electricity prices.
  • Improving the device’s knowledge of its usage patterns using self-learning.
  • By observing the charging/capacity/discharging parameters we can minimise the cost to charge/use the device throughout the day.

This can apply to many devices currently in the marketplace such as:

  • Electric Car Chargers.
  • Intelligent Storage Heaters.
  • Intelligent Refrigerating Units.

2. Predictive Algorithms
To try to developer smarter applications and systems, we need to develop better predictive algorithms for:

  • Real-Time National Demand.
  • Demand in one Geography or Cust Type.
  • National Wind Energy Supply.
  • Supply from one Wind Farm/Turbine.
  • Next Day Energy Prices.
  • Long-Term Commodity Prices
