
From Research to Implementation

The Energy group in the TSSG has successfully developed new systems and new algorithms in the broad spectrum of Energy-related projects. This includes developing new algorithms to allow international data centres to save up to 25% of the energy spend. It also involves developing improved algorithms to allow Japan to better predict the availability of wind energy. We have also developed a people-centred building energy management system which is currently being commercialised.
The TSSG Energy team is highly enthusiastic about the potential for R&D in this area. Beyond the projects completed already, we have a large number of ideas for future innovations. These are based around our top 10 topics to watch in the Energy space.

Areas of Expertise

With global energy consumption and energy prices expected to rise for the foreseeable future there is pressure on organisations to maximize the efficiency of their available resources. With this in mind, our team is developing technology to safely and securely manage system both for the operator and for the consumer. The TSSG Energy team is a mixture of post-doctoral researchers, systems developers, graphic designers and business experts. Our expertise is in

  • Developing new algorithms to improve solutions to solve current energy issues.
  • Working with clients to understand their needs.
  • Creating prototypes quickly to prove new ideas.
  • Launching industry-ready commercial-grade systems.
  • Enhancing our systems for optimal client satisfaction.